The Playlists

Spotify playlists were my claim to internet fame. I grew a Spotify following of over 20,000 by curating multi-genre playlists with witty and niche titles, often based on trending aesthetics or memes relevant to Gen Z, and promoted them on TikTok.

Pretending you’re the hot, snarky character in a slow motion edit, over 30,000 saves

He is not the love of your life, he is literally just a guy, over 9,000 saves

But making playlists on TikTok is nothing new. I had to devise outside-the-box methods for content that would achieve virality and stand apart from the rest. One way I did this was by using TikTok’s duet feature to make a playlist based on another creator’s video.

Frat songs that could resurrect me, over 98,000 saves

Through careful research, I learned how to optimize my playlists to appear higher on Spotify search results.

Bittersweet early 2000s nostalgia, over 182,000 saves

While I like to diversify my playlists with multiple genres, I have an affinity for indie rock, folk, bedroom or alt pop, and some country.

Sad cowboys and rock and roll, over 1,300 saves

Folk songs prescribed for main character syndrome, over 4,000 saves

Cowgirls at Tiki Bars, over 23,000 saves

Okay, I have a lot of playlists

What do people say about them?

Press and Testimonials

To the customer who sent their bacon back 5 times because it wasn’t crispy enough, over 2,000 saves

I asked for permission to share this message, just one of many similar stories and comments I received in regards to “bittersweet early 2000s nostalgia” and my other mixes. Though I never would have imagined making playlists could have such a positive impact on listeners, I couldn’t be more grateful.

Blog posts about playlist curation

Based on my own experience and research

How to become Spotify famous in 3 steps

I became a viral Spotify playlist curator, and you can too!

What is a playlist curator, and how are businesses using them?

Starbucks, Barilla, and Nike all have Spotify playlists

How my playlist "accidentally" went semi-viral on Spotify

1,000 likes and counting—just not the way I planned

Ultimately, as a music lover and creative myself, I’m grateful for the support and reach my playlists have provided artists at all stages of their career, but especially smaller, emerging artists.

Becoming a playlist curator has connected me with artists and music I may otherwise have never discovered. To organize the influx of pitches I began receiving, I set up a Google form open to anyone who wants to earn their spot on a playlist, blog post, or video feature of mine. Submitting to this form remains free.

Thanks for listening!

Hear more at @saraha724 on Spotify